Alles Fisch is the official distributor in Italy for the Loch Duart salmon considered the best for sustainability, quality, and taste.

On the Northwest Coast of Scotland, in an area of outstanding natural beauty, Loch Duart Salmon is an independent small-scale salmon farm. Their mission is to rear the best-tasting salmon with the lowest impact on the environment. With a clear focus on fish welfare, low-impact farming, and a taste and texture that is sought after by leading chefs throughout the world.

Ikejime is a set of Japanese techniques used to harvest and ensure the maximum eating qualities of the fish are preserved. Ikejime Quality are an organisation who assess this process and award certification. Loch Duart is the only salmon farm in the world to become Ikejime Quality Certified.

HEART UK is Britain’s leading cholesterol charity and after a stringent approval process has awarded Loch Duart Salmon as a ‘HEART UK approved’ product recognising that Loch Duart salmon is high in omega-3 fats (EPA and DHA). EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart.

Fish Welfare
the natural way

Loch Duart is dedicated to raising their salmon naturally for a superior product. Their unique breed is closer to wild Scottish salmon, making it more resilient than standard farmed stocks. The salmon are fed a high marine content diet, live antibiotic-free, grow slowly (up to three months longer than average), and are reared at very low stocking density of 98.5% water to 1.5% fish. They also benefit from a pioneering cleaner fish program and freshwater baths for optimal health.

Low Impact Farming

Loch Duart’s small-scale salmon farming is less intensive and, combined with hybrid power innovations, is kinder to the environment. Recognising that 80% of salmon farming emissions come from feed production, Loch Duart developed Blue Impact, praised as one of the most sustainable feeds ever created. This feed uses low-impact ingredients and MSC and Marin Trust-approved trimmings, converting waste into valuable resources. By using Blue Impact, Loch Duart reduced carbon emissions by 56.5% compared to standard salmon diets. The feed's trimmings protect ocean resources, achieving a Foraged Fish Dependency Ratio (FFDR) of 0.33, three times fewer wild fish than standard farmed salmon diets.

More certifications:


Healthy feed = healthy fish = healthy people!

Loch Duart’s unique salmon feed is not only environmentally friendly but also healthier for their salmon and customers. The diet, high in protein and containing 51% marine ingredients, replicates what salmon eat in the wild, keeping them fit, healthy, and in optimal condition. Tests show Loch Duart salmon have up to double the Omega-3 levels compared to standard farmed salmon from the top six UK supermarkets. Their salmon is the only salmon recognised by leading UK Heart health charity ‘HEART UK’. Recognising that all fish (wild or farmed) absorb some ocean contaminants, Loch Duart triple cleans the fish oil in their feed, reducing contaminants and resulting in 67% fewer dioxins than standard farmed salmon. This effort ensures a healthier, superior product for their customers.

Unrivalled taste and texture

Thanks to their salmon's wild heritage, specialised diet, slow growth, and natural welfare practices, Loch Duart salmon have an exceptional taste. Close in flavour to wild salmon, Loch Duart offers a deliciously deep, savoury taste that stands apart from standard farmed salmon—a taste that has been lost in big industry salmon farming. Their fit healthy salmon exhibit a firmer meatier texture that delivers a satisfying and substantial bite. Notably lower in fat content, their salmon’s delicate and subtle fat marbling is impeccably balanced, and delivers an exquisite, buttery mouthfeel. The salmon of choice of Michelin stared restaurants worldwide including Chef Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants within the Savoy hotel London.

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Alles Fisch & C. s.r.l.
Vía G.Poli 83, 30015 Chioggia (Ve)

Tel: +39 041 403299
Fax: +39 041 401042